55 BEST Tips How Long Do Tamales Last In The Fridge (Full)

Jun 13, 2023
53 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. How Long Do Tamales Last in the Fridge?
  2. Factors Affecting the Shelf Life of Tamales
    1. 1. Ingredients
    2. 2. Storage Conditions
    3. 3. Type of Filling
  3. How Long Do Tamales Last in the Fridge?
    1. 1. Proper Storage
    2. 2. Freezing Tamales
    3. 3. Reheating Tamales
  4. Signs that Tamales Have Spoiled
  5. Other Preservation Methods
    1. 1. Canning Tamales
    2. 2. Vacuum Sealing Tamales
  6. Factors That Can Shorten the Shelf Life of Tamales
    1. 1. High Moisture Content
    2. 2. Exposure to Air
    3. 3. Temperature Fluctuations
  7. Tips for Storing Tamales in the Fridge
    1. 1. Let Tamales Cool Completely Before Storing
    2. 2. Use an Airtight Container
    3. 3. Store Tamales on the Top Shelf
    4. 4. Don't Stack Tamales Too High
  8. How to Reheat Tamales
    1. 1. Steam Tamales
    2. 2. Microwave Tamales
    3. 3. Oven-Baked Tamales
  9. How to Tell if Tamales Have Gone Bad
    1. 1. Foul Smell
    2. 2. Slimy Texture
    3. 3. Mold Growth
    4. 4. Discoloration
  10. Tips for Freezing Tamales
    1. 1. Use Freezer-Safe Containers
    2. 2. Label and Date Containers
    3. 3. Thaw Tamales Properly
  11. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  12. Please note
  13. Conclusion

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. 

How Long Do Tamales Last in the Fridge?

Tamales are a traditional Mexican dish that has become increasingly popular throughout the world.

These delicious treats are made from masa, a type of dough made from corn, and can be filled with meat, cheese, vegetables, or any combination thereof.

Tamales are usually steamed and then wrapped in corn husks, which help to keep them moist. If you're wondering how long tamales last in the fridge, there are a few factors you need to consider.

Factors Affecting the Shelf Life of Tamales

Several factors affect how long tamales last in the fridge. These include:

1. Ingredients

The ingredients used to make tamales can affect their shelf life. For instance, if the filling contains meat, it will spoil faster than tamales filled with just vegetables.

2. Storage Conditions

Another factor that affects the shelf life of tamales is storage conditions. If tamales are not stored properly, they can spoil quickly.

3. Type of Filling

Different types of filling can affect the shelf life of tamales. Some fillings, such as vegetables or cheese, have a longer shelf life than meats like chicken or pork.

How Long Do Tamales Last in the Fridge?

On average, tamales can last in the fridge for three to five days. However, this is not a hard and fast rule. There are several things to keep in mind when storing tamales in the fridge.

1. Proper Storage

To ensure your tamales last as long as possible, store them in an airtight container in the fridge. Make sure the container is sealed tightly to prevent any air from getting in.

2. Freezing Tamales

If you want to extend the shelf life of your tamales, you can freeze them. Tamales can be frozen for up to six months. When freezing tamales, make sure they are tightly wrapped in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn.

3. Reheating Tamales

When reheating tamales, it's important to do so properly to prevent food poisoning. Tamales should be steamed rather than microwaved, as microwaving can cause them to become tough and dry. To steam tamales, wrap them in a damp paper towel and then wrap them in foil. Steam them in a pot of boiling water for 15-20 minutes.

Signs that Tamales Have Spoiled

If you're not sure if your tamales have spoiled, there are a few signs to look out for. Spoiled tamales may have a sour or off smell, or the filling may have a slimy texture. If you notice any of these signs, it's best to throw the tamales away.

Other Preservation Methods

Aside from storing tamales in the fridge or freezer, there are a few other preservation methods to consider.

1. Canning Tamales

Canning is another method that can be used to preserve tamales for a long time. However, canning requires special equipment and should only be done by experienced canners. It's important to follow proper canning procedures to prevent the growth of bacteria.

2. Vacuum Sealing Tamales

Vacuum sealing is another popular method for preserving tamales. This method involves removing all the air from a plastic bag containing the tamales to prevent spoilage. Vacuum-sealed tamales can last up to two weeks in the fridge and up to six months in the freezer.

Factors That Can Shorten the Shelf Life of Tamales

While there are several methods for preserving tamales, there are also factors that can shorten their shelf life.

1. High Moisture Content

Tamales with high moisture content are more likely to spoil quickly than those with lower moisture content. If the masa dough is too wet or the filling contains a lot of liquid, the tamales will spoil faster.

2. Exposure to Air

Exposure to air can also shorten the shelf life of tamales. If tamales are not stored in an airtight container or vacuum-sealed, they can dry out and become tough.

3. Temperature Fluctuations

Temperature fluctuations can also affect the shelf life of tamales. If the temperature in the fridge fluctuates, it can cause the tamales to spoil faster. It's important to keep the fridge temperature between 34-40°F to ensure optimal storage conditions.

Tips for Storing Tamales in the Fridge

To ensure that your tamales last as long as possible in the fridge, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Let Tamales Cool Completely Before Storing

Before storing tamales in the fridge, make sure they have cooled completely. This will prevent condensation from forming inside the container and causing the tamales to spoil faster.

2. Use an Airtight Container

When storing tamales in the fridge, it's important to use an airtight container. This will prevent air from getting in and drying out the tamales. You can also wrap the tamales in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before placing them in the container for extra protection.

3. Store Tamales on the Top Shelf

The top shelf of the fridge is the best place to store tamales. This is because the temperature is more consistent at the top of the fridge, which will help keep the tamales fresh longer.

4. Don't Stack Tamales Too High

When storing tamales in the fridge, avoid stacking them too high. This can cause the tamales on the bottom to become compressed and lose their shape.

How to Reheat Tamales

Reheating tamales can be tricky if you want to avoid making them dry and tough. Here are some tips for reheating tamales:

1. Steam Tamales

Steaming tamales is the best way to reheat them. To steam tamales, wrap them in a damp paper towel and then in aluminum foil. Steam them in a pot of boiling water for 15-20 minutes.

2. Microwave Tamales

If you're short on time, you can also microwave tamales. However, be careful not to overheat them, as this can cause the masa to become dry. To microwave tamales, wrap them in a damp paper towel and microwave them for 1-2 minutes.

3. Oven-Baked Tamales

Another way to reheat tamales is by oven-baking them. Preheat your oven to 350°F and wrap the tamales in foil. Bake them for 15-20 minutes or until they are heated through.

How to Tell if Tamales Have Gone Bad

It's important to be able to tell when tamales have gone bad to avoid food poisoning. Here are some signs that your tamales may have spoiled:

1. Foul Smell

If your tamales have a foul or off smell, it's a sign that they may have gone bad. The smell can be sour, musty, or rancid.

2. Slimy Texture

Another sign that your tamales may have spoiled is a slimy texture. If the masa or filling feels slimy or sticky, it's best to throw them away.

3. Mold Growth

Mold growth on tamales is another sign that they have gone bad. If you see any mold on the tamales, it's important to throw them away immediately.

4. Discoloration

If the tamales have changed color, it's a sign that they may have spoiled. Discoloration can be caused by oxidation or bacterial growth.

Tips for Freezing Tamales

Freezing tamales is a great way to extend their shelf life for up to six months. Here are some tips to keep in mind when freezing tamales:

1. Use Freezer-Safe Containers

When freezing tamales, it's important to use freezer-safe containers or bags. This will prevent freezer burn and protect the tamales from moisture.

2. Label and Date Containers

Labeling and dating containers is important when freezing tamales. This will help you keep track of how long the tamales have been frozen and when they need to be used by.

3. Thaw Tamales Properly

When thawing tamales, it's important to do so properly to avoid food poisoning. Thaw tamales in the fridge, not on the counter, to prevent bacteria growth.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. How long do tamales last in the fridge?

On average, tamales can last in the fridge for three to five days.

Q2. Can you freeze tamales?

Yes, tamales can be frozen for up to six months.

Q3. How should I store tamales in the fridge?

Store tamales in an airtight container in the fridge.

Q4. Can I store tamales on the counter?

No, tamales should always be stored in the fridge or freezer.

Q5. How can I tell if tamales have gone bad?

Signs that tamales have gone bad include a foul smell, slimy texture, mold growth, and discoloration.

Q6. Can I reheat tamales in the microwave?

Yes, but be careful not to overheat them, as this can cause the masa to become dry.

Q7. How long can I keep tamales in the freezer?

Tamales can be kept in the freezer for up to six months.

Q8. Can I can tamales?

Yes, but canning requires special equipment and should only be done by experienced canners.

Q9. What is the optimal fridge temperature for storing tamales?

The fridge temperature should be between 34-40°F to ensure optimal storage conditions.

Q10. Should I let tamales cool before storing them in the fridge?

Yes, tamales should be completely cooled before storing them in the fridge.

Q11. Can I vacuum seal tamales?

Yes, vacuum sealing tamales can help extend their shelf life.

Q12. How long can I keep thawed tamales in the fridge?

Thawed tamales should be eaten within three to four days.

Q13. Can I reheat tamales in the oven?

Yes, oven-baking is another way to reheat tamales.

Q14. Can I store tamales in plastic wrap?

Yes, wrapping tamales in plastic wrap before storing them in an airtight container can help keep them fresh.

Q15. Can I store tamales in aluminum foil?

Yes, wrapping tamales in aluminum foil before storing them in an airtight container can help keep them fresh.

Q16. Can I store leftover tamales with salsa or sauce?

It's best to store tamales separately from any salsa or sauce to prevent them from becoming too moist.

Q17. Can I store tamales in a plastic bag?

Yes, a freezer-safe plastic bag can be used to store tamales in the freezer.

Q18. How long do tamales last in the fridge if they are vegetarian?

Vegetarian tamales can last up to five days in the fridge.

Q19. How long do tamales last in the fridge if they have meat filling?

Tamales with meat filling can last up to five days in the fridge, but be sure to check for spoilage signs.

Q20. Can I store tamales in the fridge without husks?

Yes, tamales can be stored without husks if they are wrapped tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

Q21. How long do tamales last in the fridge if they are chicken-filled?

Chicken-filled tamales can last up to three to four days in the fridge.

Q22. Can I freeze tamales with sauce?

Yes, you can freeze tamales with sauce if the sauce is freezer-safe.

Q23. Can tamales with cheese filling be stored in the fridge?

Yes, tamales with cheese filling can be stored in the fridge.

Q24. Can I eat tamales if they are a week old?

No, it's not recommended to eat tamales that are more than five days old.

Q25. Can I store tamales in a ceramic dish in the fridge?

Yes, tamales can be stored in a ceramic dish in the fridge if it has a tight-fitting lid.

Q26. Can I freeze cooked tamales?

Yes, cooked tamales can be frozen.

Q27. Can I freeze uncooked tamales?

Yes, uncooked tamales can be frozen.

Q28. Can I thaw tamales on the counter?

No, tamales should always be thawed in the fridge to prevent bacteria growth.

Q29. Can I reheat tamales in the air fryer?

Yes, tamales can be reheated in the air fryer.

Q30. Can I store tamales in the freezer without a container?

No, tamales should always be stored in an airtight container or bag when freezing. This will protect them from freezer burn and moisture.

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In conclusion, the shelf life of tamales depends on several factors, including the type of filling, storage conditions, and preservation method used. Tamales can last in the fridge for three to five days and up to six months in the freezer. Proper storage and reheating methods are important to prevent food poisoning. Consider vacuum sealing or canning tamales for longer-term storage. Remember to keep the moisture content, exposure to air, and temperature fluctuations in mind when storing tamales to ensure they stay fresh as long as possible.

In conclusion, tamales can last in the fridge for three to five days but can be frozen for up to six months. Proper storage is key to ensuring that your tamales last as long as possible, and reheating them properly is important to prevent food poisoning. Keep these tips in mind to enjoy delicious tamales for as long as possible.

Table of Contents
  1. How Long Do Tamales Last in the Fridge?
  2. Factors Affecting the Shelf Life of Tamales
    1. 1. Ingredients
    2. 2. Storage Conditions
    3. 3. Type of Filling
  3. How Long Do Tamales Last in the Fridge?
    1. 1. Proper Storage
    2. 2. Freezing Tamales
    3. 3. Reheating Tamales
  4. Signs that Tamales Have Spoiled
  5. Other Preservation Methods
    1. 1. Canning Tamales
    2. 2. Vacuum Sealing Tamales
  6. Factors That Can Shorten the Shelf Life of Tamales
    1. 1. High Moisture Content
    2. 2. Exposure to Air
    3. 3. Temperature Fluctuations
  7. Tips for Storing Tamales in the Fridge
    1. 1. Let Tamales Cool Completely Before Storing
    2. 2. Use an Airtight Container
    3. 3. Store Tamales on the Top Shelf
    4. 4. Don't Stack Tamales Too High
  8. How to Reheat Tamales
    1. 1. Steam Tamales
    2. 2. Microwave Tamales
    3. 3. Oven-Baked Tamales
  9. How to Tell if Tamales Have Gone Bad
    1. 1. Foul Smell
    2. 2. Slimy Texture
    3. 3. Mold Growth
    4. 4. Discoloration
  10. Tips for Freezing Tamales
    1. 1. Use Freezer-Safe Containers
    2. 2. Label and Date Containers
    3. 3. Thaw Tamales Properly
  11. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  12. Please note
  13. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only.